Animated gif of the Complete Dog and Landscape Cycles Render
Blender Cycles Landscape Render
Animation of a dog sitting by the lake
Final Dog Cycles Render (without environment)
Final Dog Textured Sketchfab
Original dog texture created using ZBrush
Sketchfab model with ZBrush Texture
Evee First Texture WalkCycle
Walk Cycle - Workbench Render
Dog Model with Rig
Wireframe Render
Started with a cylinder to get the basic dog shape
Dog Texture Version 2 - Created using Blender Procedural Material Nodes
Dog Texture Version 1 - Created using ZBrush the Paint tool
Landscape Texture
Water Normal Map
Dog UV Unwrap
Landscape Shader Node
Modular Dog Texture Node
Water Shader Node
I modeled, rigged, textured, and animated a dog using Zbrush and Blender. I also used Blender to create a landscape and shader nodes to create a painterly texture on the water, landscape, and the dog.
This was an interesting experiment to test the limits of premade rigs and weight paints in Blender. Although it would have looked even more realistic with an IK rig and custom-weight paints, I think the limits of Blender and my skill set still allowed the animation to appear highly polished.
I also took the time to experiment with Blender add-ons to create landscapes and Blender nodes to create really interesting textures.
Overall, I am really proud of the way my models and animations turned out!